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At Eternity's Gate |
It comes in waves and it is a veil which is dropped and uplifted again and again...and again...
A counter for incoherent speech consisting of both real and imaginary words, lacking comprehensive meaning...Wanderings of a conscious, sometimes semi conscious mind...
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At Eternity's Gate |
"An unexpected side-effect of the 2010 flooding in parts of Sindh, Pakistan, was that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters; because of the scale of the flooding and the fact that the water took so long to recede, many trees became cocooned in spiders webs. People in the area had never seen this phenomenon before, but they also reported that there were less mosquitos than they would have expected, given the amount of standing water that was left. Not being bitten by mosquitoes was one small blessing for people that had lost everything in the floods.(© Russell Watkins)"
Could she still draw back...? Her distress awoke a nausea in her body and she kept moving her lips in silent fervent prayer.
A bell clanged upon her heart. She felt him seize her hand:
All the seas of the world tumbled about her heart. He was drawing her into them: he would drown her. She gripped with both hands at the iron railing.
No! No! No! It was impossible. Her hands, clutched the iron in frenzy. Amid the seas she sent a cry of anguish!
-Eveline! Evvy!
He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.
“Shariati notes that everything that has been said about “man” in the Qurab also applies to “woman” because, from the Quranic point of view, both are created from exactly the same nature and each is equally liable to be held accountable on the Day of Judgement for his or her deeds. Commenting on the popular misconception that the woman in created “..from the rib of the man,” Shariati notes that in Hebrew and Arabic one word means both “rib” and “nature”. During the process of translation, the word “rib” has been used more often with reference to the relationship of the creation of the women in relation to man. But the following ayah of the Quran makes it clear that the woman is created from the same nature as man:
And Allah made for you mates, of your own nature. (Al-Nahl 16:72)”
A new class is created. It is characterized by foreignness and modernization. It adores the West. It is not religious. If it had a memory of or inclination towards religion, it has long since been stamped out. Luxury, transience, pretentiousness and foreignness prevail among this class. And their Islam, in the words of Sayyid Qutb, is an American Islam.
Woman, in their (traditional clergy) view, must also remain as she is today because, simply enough, her form existed in the past and has become part of social traditions. It may be 19th century, 17th century or even pre-Islamic, but it is considered to be religious and Islamic.
The idealistic schools of thought embrace the highest values, the absolute and most desirable ideologies. Each and every fact is categorically rejected if it does not suit them. They have no patience. They deny unpleasant realities and dig out the roots of anger. Anger, violence, pleasure seeking and greed are realities which do exist…
The opposite of idealism is realism. Its followers see everything, no matter how ugly or unpleasant, simply because it has an external existence. They accept a thing, attach their hearts to it and find faith. They oppose and reject, however, all beauty, truth and correctness simply because these do not record with existing realities. Through this rejection, they become unbelievers…
We (Muslims) only have the right to know fashion models and beauty queens. We have only the right to know movie sex goddesses in cheap exploitation films, the Queen of Monaco and all of the seven female guards around James Bond. Such women are the sacrifices made to European production of Europe. They are the toys and wind-up dolls of the wealthy. They are the slaves of the houses of the new merchants. We Muslims only have the right to know these examples of the women of European civilization. I have never seen photographs from Cambridge, the Sorbonne or Harvard University telling about female university students who go to the library to work on 14th and 15th century manuscripts and to research artifacts from 2500-3000 years ago in China. I have not seen pictures of those who bend over Quranic manuscripts based upon Latin. I have not seen pictures of those studying Greek, Cuneiform and Sanskrit texts without moving and without allowing their eyes to rove. They don't take their heads out of their books until the librarian takes their books away or asks them to leave.
We separate her from humanity. We thought that if she had beautiful handwriting, she would write to her lover. With this type of thinking, it would have been better if we had blinded her so she would never see a 'forbidden' person. In this way, Mr. Jealous, who feels the weaknesses of his own personality, would not have to worry about the disloyalty of his wife. He would be safe to the end of his life.
It was the Prophet who said, "Education is necessary for Muslims, both men and women." But it is always men who have had the right to be educated...
They said, a Woman will be freed-not by books or knowledge or the formation of a culture or clear-sighted vision or by raising the standard of living, or by common sense or by a new level of vision of the world, but rather with a pair of scissors. Yes. Putting scissors to the modest dress!" This is how they think that women will all at once become enlightened!
An Arab poet tells us, "If a father has a daughter and thinks of her future, he should think about three different sons-in-law: one, the house which will hide her; two, the husband who will keep her; and, three, the grave which will cover her! And the last one, the grave, is the best."
This is why the Koran, in the strongest terms, warns of the dangers of this frightening 'highest honor' when it says: He hides himself from the people. Should he keep her with disgrace or bury her alive in the dust? Behold, evil is what they decide" [16.59].
I don't know but this hadith keeps haunting me. The words 'did you tear his heart in order to find out' keep repeating, keep reverberating. They make me question my judgments about people every day, every time.It is narrated on the authority of usama b. Zaid that the Messenger of allah (may peace be upon him) sent us in a raiding party. We raided Huraqat of Juhaina in the morning. I caught hold of a man and he said: there is no god but allah, I attacked him with a spear. It once occurred to me and I talked about it to the apostle (may peace be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Did he profess "there is no god but allah," and even then you killed him? I said: Messenger of allah, he made a profession of it out of the fear of the Weapon. He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Did you tear his heart in order to find out whether it had professed or not? and he Went on repeating it to me till I wished I had embraced Islam that day. (Sahih Muslim, Book #001, Hadith #0176)
"She describes spending nights sleeping on the forest floor in a "thousand-star hotel", applauds "the ferocity and grandeur of these poor people fighting back", and says "being in the forest made me feel like there was enough space in my body for all my organs"."The Booker prize-winning novelist on her political activism in India, why she no longer condemns violent resistance – and why it doesn't matter if she never writes a second novel. Here!
" 'The mind,' Bacon says, 'presupposes a greater unanimity and uniformity in the nature of things than there really is.' Thus, for example, astronomers have assumed that the heavenly bodies, being 'perfect', must move as the mind deems it most fitting for a perfect celestial body to move, namely in perfect circles; observation, however, shows them to move in ellipses. 'It is incredible,' he exclaims, 'what a number of idols have been introduced into philosophy by the reduction of natural operations to a correspondence with human actions; i.e. by imagining that nature acts as man does.' Why are the stars in the sky arranged as they are?--or rather, why do they appear not to be 'arranged' at all? 'If the grand architect had acted a human part, he would have ranged the stars into some beautiful and elegant order, as we see in the vaulted roofs of palaces....so great a difference is there betwixt the spirit of man and the spirit of Universe' "
"You need to pull back from the constant influx and take a break.”
" ... a dangerously fragile veneer , and when that veneer cracked, man became one with the beasts again, falling back into the same slime of the primeval abyss he prided himself on having climbed up from..." (Sidney Sheldon)
Someone: So when is your wedding anniversary?
Wife: 31st March
Husband: Han, mai aik din pehlai he fool ban gya tha...