
Monday, November 21, 2011

How effortlessly he plugs in the verbal abuse when he barks at the waiter to bring the naans quickly. Considerable height and more than a few sessions at the bodybuilding club entitles him to such mannerism.

Where you desperately want to punch the hell out of him, only if you had the same height and sessions on your side; you also start to feel better about yourself. At least there are people who more perfectly adorn the definition of a jerk.

What feels worst is that you did not have the courage to stand up for that poor guy whose lips were sealed only because he has a family to feed. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In this case, some well placed and undeserved compliments when subtly done often do the trick of correcting behavior- provided there is some sense of right and wrong in the wrong-doer. If not, a half smile to the victim often serves to at least lift one's spirits and show that someone at least is not unsympathetic; at least a hint of empathy can boost confidence greatly.