True to its title, in the book, the author has set out on a journey in search of answers. Answers to the questions, we are too scared to ask. Although till the very end he maintains his lack of knowledge on the subject but manages to hint towards our dilemma and its possible solution.
We in our ignorance have separated the two aspects of religion. One being the form and other, the spirit. Serving and feeding the form while completely and conveniently disregarding the spirit. All our efforts have been concentrated to bedeck the exterior and subsequently we got lost in the embellishments. It never crossed our minds that maybe the fact that our neighbor has eaten to his full is more important than arguing about how high should the shalwar be while praying. The flag bearers of truth, justice, equality and tolerance lost everything to the form; lengths, widths and count.
An impregnable wall of “respect” has been raised rendering people incapable of understanding the religion. God has been portrayed as a father figure, someone to be feared instead of a mother figure, someone to be loved. This gives out a very stern image and disheartens the youth.
People are discouraged to be critical and to ask questions. Religion has been made mysterious, a secret which only a selected few can understand and comprehend. We have let those few lead us by the noose and they make sure we never raise our heads, which would jeopardize their authority. They try to make to make the whole thing complicated with piles of books consisting of mere rhetoric. In reality the religion is not that tricky. Those who claim their special right on religion have shut their minds and keep gloating that their knowledge is complete, their word is final and cannot be challenged.
Unlike the popular belief religion pushes us to reason and explore. Science and religion do not have to negate each other. The former can help us better understand the latter. It is the character which is in dire need to be overhauled. The true essence needs infusion.
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