2 am in the morning, garfield eyes, .02% of brain functioning (way below than what Einstein predicted in a normal human being) but behold what a mere mortal is capable of!. They appear to me like a pair of clown-like eyes or even better; two main sequence stars coming together in a globular cluster to make a blue straggler.
I was amazed that I didn't have a single label which referred to the main ingredient of life, food! The very thing which has never let me down.
There is no love sincerer than the love of food. ~George Bernard Shaw
You can always trust a chocolate bar to wipe away your tears, a medium steak to ease out tensions, potato chips to put an end to boredom and ofcourse our very own; the loving and caring, soft drinks.
Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy. ~Author Unknown
Well well well......
Eating and food are so real; sometimes its felt that due attention is not given to the processes of mind and heart attributable to this one basic need of humans. Adding recipes in the blogs and on webs perhaps does not serve the purpose. Its far more philosophical than this. Excellent work!! may we expect more and under glaring tags of 'eating' and 'food'.
I guess as long as this frame of mine requires food to maintain its pear shape; I see my fingers punching away the keyboard on this subject.
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