The guy at the local 'video' shop makes sure that he lets me rummage through all the movies which people have rejected after seeing the front or reading the back cover. They turn out to be the best ones. It isn't surprising. My neighbourhood just has a different taste. I came to know this when I was told that the shopkeeper generates most of his revenue by renting out wrestling DVDs. Yes, people actually watch them.
PU-239 tells the story of a Russian who gets exposed to radiation (1000 rems) during an accident at the nuclear station. Just that you get an idea how lethal it can be; if exposed to 600 rems, you are supposed to die within a month. Anyway, before he gives up the ghost he tries to sell a stolen sample of PU-239 in a desperate attempt to raise some money for his family.
What made this flick beautiful to me were the striking analogies the character has made during the course of the movie.
"Light is a particle and a wave. This is hard to understand, how a thing can be two things at once. But a woman is also both a particle and a wave. She’s a wave when you see her reach down to pull a shell from the sea and you feel her beauty pass through you like electric current. She’s a particle when her hair brushes your face and her hands push into yours. And a child is also a particle and a wave. He is wave when the sound of his pain shoots through you and twists you away from yourself and he is a particle when the doctor hands you a baby. A small mirror. Women, children and light can be two things at once. They ricochet off the hard surfaces and illuminate the corners. Without them it would be far darker."
Immaculate catharsis...
"An element loses a particle and becomes unstable. A chain reaction is set in motion. Pulsing waves of desperation in every direction. Perhaps the lost part is clarity or hope. In the fallout, the man-made elements appear- isotopes of fear and anger that cannot be handled safely or buried in the ground. They take the shape of a mushroom cloud started above a desert that circles the globe and shadows us all."
"Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium. They came from space; found their way here by comet and meteorite. No child ever wished this from a star. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl. Problems with half-lives forty-thousand years long. Half a life. Time takes half of us away and comes back later for the rest. We are children and then we are parents. We are long division. Slowly we decay into memory."
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