Perhaps it was the state of mind I was in which made me feel that it is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen. I think I wouldn't have rated it so high if I had watched it during run-of-the-mill days but it was certainly beautiful (Yes, I am saying it again).
With Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman you can't complain of acting. It was remarkable. The script was sharp and humorous and it all added up to a memorable experience.
It also had one of those scenes which I simply adore; chance encounters of two complete strangers…Sitting in a café, one is reading a crappy novel; the other had a shitty day and their lives suck big time. The chat which follows is witty and intelligent. The words are well weighed and meaningful; straight from the heart and the smiles are genuine and carefree. Small details are enhanced and world around those two individuals is shut out with all its ugliness. Do things like that happen in real life?
The word chance encounter reminded me , you must have watched Serendipity , right ?
Yup. It has been quite some time now.
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